(12) Posted: first steps with http://t.co/WvWRwS72oG support vector machine in #fsharp. http://t.co/s9yEA3HZFD (7) If you missed @visemet presenting the #mongodb provider for #fsharp, recording is online via @c4fsharp: https://t.co/9RKx… (6) Stanford Word Segmenter is available on NuGet for #Fsharp and #Csharp http://t.co/M8ZEKQHihq #nlp #dotNet @stanfordnlp (5) Forward pipe from #fsharp and #ocaml in #scala https://t.co/cvZkMbddGF (5) Playing with an upcoming open-source #fsharp #dataframe library and Titanic data set :-) cc @brandewinder @ptrelford http://t.co/pJfUdUG5eu (4) A few spots available for Machine Learning Hands On http://t.co/INgp7OmGki with @moloneymb tomorrow at #skillsmatter #fsharp (2) Looking for tutorials around the line of Learn F# by building ... http://t.co/xcefPaBY9x #fsharp (2) F# Weekly #36 2013 http://t.co/oSK4QX2WBx #fsharp (0) @kot_2010 @tomaspetricek You are right. Macro implementation of the #fsharp compu...